Thursday, January 7, 2010

If you give a kid a cookie...

...he's going to ask for a second cookie.
And if you give him a second cookie...
he's going to want a third cookie.
And if you tell him to be quiet and just eat the ones he has...
he's going to start screaming.
And if he starts screaming about cookies...
the other kids are going to hear the word "cookies" and want some of their own.

And if you give them all cookies...
they're going to want milk to go with them.
And if you give them all milk...
they're going to dump it on the floor
And then they're going to cry.
So when you give them more milk...
they're going to argue about which cup they want it in
And then they'll argue about who has the most milk.
You'll try to give them all the same amount...

But it won't fool them.

They'll still think everyone else has more...
and then they'll scream even louder.
So you'll turn on the TV to distract them...
and put on the new movie they got for Christmas.
But only one of them will want to watch that movie...
...and another will want Tinkerbell...
...and the other will want Finding Nemo.
So you'll kindly suggest they go outside and play.
You'll start to put on their coats.
Then they'll start to scream because they want their blue coats instead.
So you'll look for their blue coats...
...and remember they're still in the wash.
You'll try to break the news to them gently...
...but it won't matter.

They'll throw tantrums on the floor...
until you walk upstairs to get away from the noise.
They'll follow you up the stairs...
because they don't want you to miss a moment of the tantrum.
You'll lock yourself in your room...
...but they'll pound on the door and kick the wall.
So you'll open the door of your room
And they'll run inside.
One will knock your lamp on the floor
...another will put mascara on her toes
...and the other will pull your phone charger out of the wall and throw it in the toilet.

So you'll gently remove them all from your room.
Then they'll take off their diapers and thrown them down the stairs...
so you'll run downstairs to get new diapers.
When you come back up, you'll notice three wet spots and a poo on the carpet...
so you'll head back downstairs for some carpet cleaner and a towel.
Once you've changed their diapers, you'll suggest reading a book...
but you can't find one that isn't ripped up.
But now that you've suggested stories...
they're not going to forget it.

So you'll tell them they get to make their own book.
You'll go look for crayons...
...and decide to hide in the bathroom for awhile.
They'll notice you are gone...
and start running around the house screaming for you to come back.
When they find you, you'll decide you've had enough and go to the medicine cabinet for some headache medicine.
The medicine cabinet is right by the cookie jar...
...which will remind them...
...that they want a cookie.

The End.


  1. Great, now I want a cookie.

    I always relish the image of a mom crouched silently in her bathroom, trying carefully not to breathe and hoping that the Dark Riders will pass without noticing her. I have spent some time there myself, oh yes. It's nice if you've had the foresight to grab a book on your way in.

  2. The really funny/sad thing about this is it's no exaggeration. I can see you all doing exactly what you describe.
    You really need to get this published in book form. It would be a runaway best seller.
    Oh, how I love my little darlings:-)

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha! Loved it. HOW do you not lose your mind with three three year olds? I wish I could hide in the bathroom, but I'm afraid Wyatt will kill/maim Micah.
    And PS, one HUGE benefit of Wyatt having chronic constipation is that its a lot easier to clean up poo off floors, cribs, etc. Just an FYI.

  4. Reading that gave me anxiety. I am reaching for my

  5. I can't wait for marriage and children . . .
