Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prayers for Bronson

With everything that is going on in our life, with all of the challenges facing our family these days, our burdens are light when compared to what's going on in the life of one of my good friends from high school. On Saturday, January 30th Matt and Sara Staker's 16 month old son Bronson drowned at home in their bathtub. What transpired afterwards was nothing short of miraculous. Fast forward to today, little baby Bronson is conscious, responsive, interactive and simply amazing everyone: doctors, family, friends and complete strangers, anyone who has followed the whole ordeal. Sara is a talented writer and had the strength and foresight to chronicle each day, each moment in honest, humble and often painful detail. Their journey from the depths of sorrow 11 days ago, to peaks of joy today is truly faith-inspiring. I encourage you to take some time and read about Bronson at www.stakerzxposed.blogspot.com, starting from her intial post immediately after the accident. Literally thousands of prayers of the faithful called down the healing powers from heaven which were then manifested in the life of this little boy and his loving family.

On a separate, yet similar perspective-adjusting event, another friend of mine, who I have known for more than a quarter century, experienced what I can only imagine would be one of the most painful and sorrowful things a family can endure. A few months into his wife's pregancy the doctor gave them the tragic news that their baby girl had some fatal birth defects which didn't allow her vital internal organs to develop properly, and in some cases not at all. She was born on Sunday at 10:45 AM and died about 3 hours later.

The reason for relating these two stories is that I would like you to remember them in your prayers. So often when we bow our heads in supplication to our Heavenly Father, we pray for our family, friends and "all our many loved ones....and all those who stand in need of thy blessings". Well, these two dear families need our Father's blessings right now.

The endless stream of diapers, the rice pilaf ground into our freshly cleaned carpet, difficult times at work, sleepless nights, expanding waistline (mine, not Elizabeth's), shrinking bank account........All these things are dust in the wind, grains of nothing, miniscule smudge marks on life's eternal spectrum. Family, faith, life and health....kindness, charity, compassion and humility. These are the things that matter...sometimes you just need a little help to get things back in perspective.


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