Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm still here...

Well, so I'm not the most frequent poster, but I have a pretty good excuse. Austin fried the laptop. And the computer. So I've been unable to write for a good month now. And now that I have it back, I find I have nothing to say. Not one single interesting thing. Nada. So I will share some UNinteresting things:

I had two jellybeans for breakfast today. I am babysitting my nephew. I need a pedicure. My closet is a mess. I am really, REALLY craving potstickers right now. Our ward just split and I am hoping that now we can finally sit in a regular row in church. I hate all of my clothes. I think Kai's haircut makes him look like a doofus. Same with Austin's. I am not responsible for either of these haircuts. I am avoiding doing the dishes by blogging. The refrigerator smells funky and I just can't deal with it right now. I think I will never eat ham again. I seriously need those potstickers. Kate poops in her room during her naps and it's really making me angry. I was hoping that by writing something interesting would come to mind, but it looks like it's not happening, so I guess I'll leave it at this. Bye!


  1. Did you have anything besides the jelly beans? NOt that I'm judging, just wondering. Cause I totally get when you just choose not to eat because there is nothing in the house worthy of your appetite. That's why I usually skip lunch. I quite literally gagged today while eating a pb&h. I didn't want it, but I needed to put something in my stomach so I didn't eat two day old donuts instead. Some days are just boring, I know. I'm glad you are back!

  2. Come to Clovis.... Come to Clovis....... We will positively PLY you with potstickers. Here, you will have no dishes to do, your boys' hair will continue to grow out, our refrigerator isn't too funky smelling, dad would make you sour dough pancakes for breakfast and we will go out to lunch and shopping for new clothes and Kate would not DARE to poop in one of our rooms (right?)
    In case you can't come, read a good book:-)
    Love you!

  3. Mom--STOP THAT! I so want that life!! Why don't you and dad just move here and do all that stuff? The guest room is avavilable now...hint hint! (At least for awhile ;)

    And I hate to say this but...your refrigerator does smell. Don't be offended. They all do.
