Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm still here...

Well, so I'm not the most frequent poster, but I have a pretty good excuse. Austin fried the laptop. And the computer. So I've been unable to write for a good month now. And now that I have it back, I find I have nothing to say. Not one single interesting thing. Nada. So I will share some UNinteresting things:

I had two jellybeans for breakfast today. I am babysitting my nephew. I need a pedicure. My closet is a mess. I am really, REALLY craving potstickers right now. Our ward just split and I am hoping that now we can finally sit in a regular row in church. I hate all of my clothes. I think Kai's haircut makes him look like a doofus. Same with Austin's. I am not responsible for either of these haircuts. I am avoiding doing the dishes by blogging. The refrigerator smells funky and I just can't deal with it right now. I think I will never eat ham again. I seriously need those potstickers. Kate poops in her room during her naps and it's really making me angry. I was hoping that by writing something interesting would come to mind, but it looks like it's not happening, so I guess I'll leave it at this. Bye!