Monday, December 28, 2009

Is This Thing On?

Up to now, I was the proud holdout among my family and friends. No blog, no Facebook, no MySpace, nada. I kind of liked being a grouchy old coot with no accountability. But over the past few months I've been feeling rather guilty about my cootiness. And a little bit left out. (Thanks, Mom.) Plus, I really like the idea of having a record of our family since I'm not a scrapbooker or anything. And I have a bad memory.

So I decided I would start one in January and call it a New Year's Resolution. But I'm sitting with my laptop in front of the fire (sorry honey, I know it's expensive but I'm freezing! It's like 73 degrees in here!) in the middle of the day with nothing to do. Well, I have plenty to do, of course, but I don't want to do it. I don't want to do the laundry or vacuum the RiceKrispies off the floor or put away the Christmas stuff. There's no good news or gossip online--how much Tiger can we take?!--and I'm even sick of looking for the perfect drapes for our sliding glass door, which is my go-to activity on the computer when I'm bored. I mean, really, we've been in this house for 2 years and I haven't found them yet. It probably isn't going to happen today.

So I thought, what the heck, I'll start that blog right now! (Then I don't have to feel guilty about that laundry AND I can say I actually did one of my resolutions! What a brilliant idea!) I actually had another one for a while but then they wanted $40 to continue, and that's not cool, so I quit. Here's the site if you're interested. It may be your best bet to ever see pictures from me.

The "three peas" of the title, of course, refers to our three little peas, Kate, Kai and Chase. My triplets. My life. My reason for being halfway to crazy. They are turning 3 on January 5th, which is freaking me out. Not because they've grown up so fast or anything, but because I can't believe kindergarten is still 2 1/2 years away. I don't know it I'm going to make it. They are going through the quintessential "terrible twos" right now and I don't see it improving in the next week. I neverneverneverneverever in a bazillion years thought I would have triplets (unlike all the other triplet moms, who surely planned on it all along) and may I just say, it is a real experience. And a blessing. I mean that. I know that sounds trite. And I know I complain a lot but it kind of makes me feel better. And just as a heads-up to everybody, Triplet Angst/Adoration will be the topic of many a post in the future. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

The "carrot", then, would be my Austin. I thought it was a cute lil' description of him for my first blog back when he was like, 6, but now he actually does kind of look like a carrot. Orange and leafy. (Just kidding.) He's getting really tall-for him-and skinny and his pants hit around his ankles because he's growing out of them faster than I can buy them. He's seriously a smart kid and I always worry that I won't be able to provide enough opportunity for him or help him grow and develop to his full potential. This will be another topic(s) for another time. Right now I'm just proud of myself for actually writing anything at all.

So a late Merry Christmas to everyone--this counts as my Christmas card!-and I hope you all have a great 2010.